eBook Collection from EBSCOhost
From Home or the Library
Choose from a wide range of eBooks covering a wide range of topics from the arts to the social sciences — and everything in between. Access the full text of eBooks from your computer, or borrow titles for download to most popular portable devices. CLICK HERE FOR MORE INFORMATION.

From Home or the Library
Borrow movies, music, audiobooks, ebooks, comics and TV shows to enjoy on your computer, tablet, or phone – and even your TV! With no waiting, titles can be streamed immediately, or downloaded to phones or tablets for offline enjoyment later. There are hundreds of thousands of titles to choose from, with more being added daily. Funded by Thayer Public Library. CLICK HERE FOR MORE INFORMATION.

Libby (from Overdrive)
Libby is the newer library reading app by Overdrive. Libby provides access to popular and bestselling eBooks, eAudiobooks, magazines and videos. The collection includes Kindle Books and thousands of titles for adults, teens, and children. Titles are automatically returned at the end of the loan period, and there are no late fees. CLICK HERE FOR MORE INFORMATION.

Literature Resource Center
From Home or the Library
This current, comprehensive, and reliable online literature resource includes critical, biographical and contextual materials on authors and their works in all genres and disciplines, from all time periods and from around the world. Includes biographical entries on more than 135,000 authors, more than 850,000 full-text articles, critical essays and reviews from over 390 scholarly journals and literary magazines, and more than 75,000 selected full-text critical essays and reviews.

Novelist K-8 Plus
From Home or the Library

NoveList K-8 Plus is a trusted source of read-alike recommendations specifically for younger readers. It helps kids find books that are just right for their reading level and interests. Funded by The Old Colony Library Network.

Novelist Plus
From Home or the Library

NoveList Plus is a trusted source of expert read-alike recommendations that is the secret to finding your next great read. Funded by The Old Colony Library Network. CLICK HERE FOR MORE INFORMATION.


OverDrive provides access to popular and bestselling eBooks, eAudiobooks, magazines and videos. The collection includes Kindle Books and thousands of titles for adults, teens, and children. Titles are automatically returned at the end of the loan period, and there are no late fees.

Power Search
From Home or the Library
Search across multiple databases. Select multiple databases from a list and then search across all of the databases you have chosen.